Twice-yearly class offered to the Heritage Fellowship Church Family and friends and also to select individuals and groups.
Through Freedom in Christ, we can understand that real growth and change can feel like hard work. So much of Christian discipleship sounds like “trying harder.” They get it because they’ve been there. In fact, that’s why Freedom in Christ was founded! Since their ministry began over 30 years ago, they’ve equipped millions of Christians and Church Leaders worldwide to cultivate a lifestyle of unstoppable spiritual growth and maturity.
They offer a unique approach to discipleship based on these 3 principles: Truth, Turning and Transformation. It’s holistic, transferable, and completely based on Biblical truth that anyone, anywhere, anytime can use. This discipleship resources provide a clear pathway for every Christian to embrace who they are in Christ and deal with whatever is holding them back from experiencing the abundant life in Jesus Christ.
8-week Classroom or Counseling Session Teachings
Either private Freedom Appointments or Freedom Celebration in group setting.